Sunday, February 21, 2010

How many modes of transportation does it take to go on a walk?

So a bit of history behind the Camino (taken from the website American Pilgrims on the Camino, great site, you should check it out). El Camino de Santiago means "The Way of Saint James." Legend has it that the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela holds the remains of Jesus' apostle Saint James. This pilgrimage has existed for thousands of years, and there is even evidence of pre-christian route as well. While the peregrinos (pilgrims...gotta start using that spanish) of the past used to start their walking of the Camino from their doorsteps, the most-used route to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela begins in France at Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, at an amazing 774 km away, at the French/Spanish border in the Pyrenees! Since my mom and I unfortunately don't have a free 3-6 weeks to complete this whole Camino, we're starting around 113 km away at Sarria.

Alright, so here's the route we will be taking on our pilgrimage: (roughly laid out on this map)

We will be flying into La Coruna, taking a day to rest, hopefully to get rid of the jet lag so we'll be ready to hit the Camino. Then we'll take a bus to Lugo, then take another bus (or possibly a taxi, since it will be the weekend and we hear that bus schedules are iffy on weekends...) to Sarria. (Amazing, how many different modes of transportation it will take for us to get to the place where we actually start walking...)

We'll walk from Sarria to Santiago de Compostela, stopping to sleep in refugios/albergues (hostels). Now Santiago is commonly where people stop, but my mom and I have decided to continue on to Finisterre (The End of the World) where we'll walk the beach and (hopefully) find our own scallop shells which is the symbol of the Way of Saint James pilgrimage (Jerusalem's is a palm frond, Rome's is a Papal key) Anyways, thats the plan, then we'll take a bus back up to La Coruna and fly home. Exciting!!

Yesterday we booked the (ridiculously expensive considering we're traveling there to walk and stay in hostels) plane tickets, and we'll be leaving June 9th and returning June 25th. Can't wait!

(by the way, I think I should let you know that my mom is trying to convince me to let her have a camera on the plane/buses/taxi, but not be allowed to take any pictures while on the Camino. I don't know about that...think it's still cheating. O wait, here's her reasoning: "we're going to be traveling in completely modern ways until our first step on the camino, so let me be able to document it." Oh no she's now playing the "we're never going to do this ever again in our lives so give me this much" card. typical mother. haha. we'll see...)

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